5 Ways You Can End Your Addiction to Sugar
Yes, Sugar Addiction is Real!
Sugar addiction can lead to a myriad of problems, from weight
gain to tooth decay. Reducing sugar intake has been associated with better
dental health, but many people don’t quite understand how sugar can be harmful.

The harmful bacteria feed on the sugars in the mouth obtained
from sugary foods and drinks to create acids that wear way tooth enamel,
exposing the inner sensitive dentin and pulp cavity. Cavities are the result of
this acid wearing away tooth enamel, and if not treated early, can cause
sensitivities to heat and cold, pain, and even tooth loss.
Overcoming Sugar Addiction - Acid Wear Can Be Reversed!
Since many foods contain sugars and acids that feed harmful
bacteria in the mouth, the body has a natural mechanism for counteracting the
damage. While acids leach minerals from tooth enamel through a process known as
demineralization, your saliva contains calcium, phosphates, and other minerals that
help to restore and repair tooth enamel through a process known as re-mineralization.
Unfortunately, excess sugar intake can result in a net loss of
minerals from enamel, resulting in tooth decay. So, it is important to limit
your sugar intake to avoid severe damage.
Here are some ways to beat sugar addiction:
1. Curb your sugar
Start by identifying how much sugar is contained in the foods
and drinks you consume by interpreting the nutrition labels. Identify the major
sources of sugar, like soft drinks, and cut back on those gradually.
2. Substitute whole fruit for
Sugary items like sweets that linger in the mouth for a long
time are dangerous as they will be feeding harmful bacteria for the same
duration that you’ll be savoring them in your mouth, and long after. Instead,
enjoy some whole pieces of fruit. They are less likely to cause decay since
they are combined with fiber.
3. Watch out for
‘hidden’ sugars
While fruit juices are healthy for you, the natural sugars they
contain are still harmful to your teeth. So, try consuming fruit juices and
other sugary treats at the end of a meal, and limit juices to 150 ml (one
glass) per day. Remember to brush your teeth after meals.
4. Avoid unhealthy
Although consuming sweets and carbonated drinks between meals
is the best way to consume sugary and acidic treats, it is best to avoid them.
Instead, opt for healthy choices like nuts, breadsticks, and raw vegetables.
5. Increase your
magnesium intake
Studies show that sugar cravings (chocolate in particular) are
linked to deficiency in the mineral magnesium. So, reduce your cravings by
eating magnesium-rich dark leafy greens, legumes, nuts, and tofu.
Final Note
Dr. Steve Ngo of Image Dental OC recommends to brush your teeth after meals, or at
least rinse your mouth with water to remove food particles that may feed
bacteria in your mouth.
Labels: addicted to sugar how to quit, overcoming sugar addiction, sugar addiction treatment