Image Dental Blog


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Teeth Whitening in the Comfort of your Home- Take Home Whitening Kits

One of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures is teeth whitening. With the use of gels containing hydrogen peroxide, teeth whitening is faster and more effective now than ever before. Whitening can be done in the dental office or even at home. While there are over the counter whitening kits available at drug stores and retail shops, take home whitening kits are a new option where treatments are customized for your needs and are far more effective.

Take home whitening kits consist of a tray and the gel formula. The tray is made for your teeth, being molded to fit snugly around the enamel for maximum exposure to the gel formula squeezed into the tray. Most treatments involve keeping the tray in the mouth for an hour, but each individual's treatment will depend on the results desired and the concentration of the gel.

Take home trays can be used as a primary method for whitening or as a supplement and a maintenance practice for those who have had whitening done in-office. If you are interested in teeth whitening with take home whitening kits, visit our website for more information on the procedure as well as other teeth whitening options. 

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