Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment
If your dentist has ever suggested orthodontic treatment, you've probably thought about how uncomfortable it will be to wear metal braces on your teeth for about a year. Instead of dealing with distracting visible braces on your teeth, you may be able to substitute your treatment with Invisalign. Invisalign is an orthodontic alternative to traditional braces that uses a series of clear, removable aligners that snap onto your teeth to move and adapt them to the proper shape.
Invisalign is virtually invisible, much more comfortable than traditional braces, does not restrict your diet, and costs about the same as normal braces. Learn more about this revolutionary orthodontic treatment at Image Dental.
Invisalign is virtually invisible, much more comfortable than traditional braces, does not restrict your diet, and costs about the same as normal braces. Learn more about this revolutionary orthodontic treatment at Image Dental.