Image Dental Blog


Friday, March 20, 2015

Did You Know Vitamin D is Great For Your Teeth?

There are plenty of vitamins and minerals out there that all boast specific benefits towards one aspect or another. As far as oral health goes, what’s the best vitamin I should take? The answer is simple: Vitamin D! And we’ll tell you why.

Bacterial Defense

A large reason why Vitamin D boasts benefits for our oral health is because it contains an active ingredient known as cathelicidin. This ingredient has been proven to show effectiveness in fighting off bacteria. Why is this important? Well, because the bacteria present in our mouth cause tooth decay. Bacteria that are not dealt with can turn into tartar.

What are Studies Saying?

Studies have been performed over the years that have all shown one thing: that vitamin D is in fact linked to lower levels of tooth decay. For example, a study performed by the Boston University Dental School found that those who took vitamin D and calcium were 40% less likely to experience tooth loss. This is just one of many studies, too.

How Can I Obtain Vitamin D?

The sun is the best natural way to obtain Vitamin D.
Vitamin D can be gained naturally through sunlight, but for some of us – the sun doesn’t shine often. Therefore it’s recommended to receive your daily intake of vitamin D through the use of supplements – especially for elderly folk who are more at risk for bone loss.

Pro tip: look for brands that have been certified by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) as designated by their specific logo.

Does this mean I don’t have to brush or floss my teeth – I can just take Vitamin D?  

As much as we would all love a quick fix over brushing and flossing, no, this does not mean you should skip on your daily routine. However, the combination of the two may offer very promising results as far as keeping your teeth healthy and prolonging their life.

There is no substitute for traditional oral hygiene practices. Brushing, flossing, and twice annual trips to your dentist will always reign supreme.

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